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Alek Wek

Friday May 14th 2010, Express celebrated its 30th anniversary with a spectacular outdoor fashion show, at the New York Stock Exchange. With the country in turmoil and still crawling its way out of debt it was a fitting move to have a show the struggling masses could enjoy featuring chic clothes they could afford. Just a few short yards, from the steps of the legendary exchange, made a fitting locale for a brand built on attainability. Aside from its political statement, the decision to show on Wall Street was also a logical maneuver as Express also celebrated going public by ringing the opening bell that very morning.

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CEO of (RED) Susan Smith Ellis and (RED) Co-founder Bono

Last night, was the star studded New York premiere of The Lazarus Effect, presented by HBO and (RED) at MoMa. Guests included (RED) Co-founder Bono, Gabourey Sidibe, Supermodels Iman and Alek Wek, Hayden Christensen, Zach Galifianakis, and a host of others. HIV/AIDS is a preventable and treatable disease, yet it has killed more than 20 million people in Africa.

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