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Tina Fey

2018 Tribeca Film Festival Opens with ‘Love, Gilda’

by xoJohn

The 2018 Tribeca Film Festival, presented by AT&T, opened at the Beacon Theater this evening with a look into the world of celebrated Emmy® and Grammy® award-winning comedian Gilda Radner who became a cultural icon the moment audiences first laughed with her on Saturday Night Live’s debut episode. Love, Gilda, presented by CNN Films, is directed and produced by Lisa D’Apolito. It weaves together audiotapes, rare home movies, diary entries, and interviews with her friends and those inspired by her.

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Fans of 30 rock may be losing a prime-time favorite, but they will gain a delicious memento. World-renowned sweet treat juggernaut Ben and Jerry’s has released a great new flavor based on the syndicated sitcom. “Liz Lemon” named after the show’s heroin, portrayed by Tina Fey, is a smooth confection of frozen Lemon Greek Yogurt with swirls of lavender and blueberry.  Though Ben Jerry’s usually releases new flavors int he spring they made a rare exception and released on the evening of the premiere of 30 Rock’s series finale. Fans, media and ice cream enthusiasts gathered at midtown’s cozy Latitude bar/lounge to celebrate and sample this latest creation. Guests of the event were treated to passing appetizers, beer and wine as well as copious amounts of “Liz Lemon”.

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