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Soul Train Awards

SoulCycle Riding with Wendy Williams

by xoJohn

Earlier this week we headed over to SoulCycle in Chelsea, New York City for a Soul Train Themed cycle with talk show diva and Soul Train Awards host, Wendy Williams. The awards celebrates and honors R&B legends and soul music’s brightest new stars. We enjoyed an exclusive mix of Soul Train classics and hits from this year’s nominees (Beyoncé, Chris Brown, Pharrell Williams and more). The class was lead by two of our SoulCycle favorites, String and Taye. These two give great energy, encouraging words, and makes you want to attend the class again and again. Williams on the other hand disappointed us by making a quick introduction, recorded some fake footage on a bike, and then leaving because she was “tired”. Oh Wendy!

If you want to get into the SoulTrain spirit, add these tunes to your own workout playlist:

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